
Transform your ecosystem into cloud commerce Watch Video or sign in


Mauris a nunc nunc. Nulla et nibh eget sapien luctus rhoncus at ut turpis. Duis mattis, odio in gravida rutrum, ligula nisl viverra tortor; ut fringilla mauris massa vel enim. Duis condimentum tincidunt malesuada. Curabitur mauris nisl, luctus ut faucibus et, condimentum ultrices tellus. Integer ut ipsum ac erat pellentesque faucibus. Phasellus neque erat, ornare mattis auctor eget, fermentum sit amet lorem! Nam nulla est, luctus quis suscipit sit amet, hendrerit ac nibh. Nam condimentum tellus vitae ipsum commodo eget venenatis lorem suscipit. Aenean fringilla bibendum orci, eu tincidunt risus condimentum non. Maecenas arcu lorem, interdum sit amet malesuada in, ornare id lacus. Nulla malesuada bibendum nisl, a dapibus risus porttitor a. Ut sed auctor risus. Aliquam congue, metus ac cursus viverra; eros neque vehicula diam, non imperdiet leo dui ut justo. Morbi nunc nunc, laoreet quis mattis vel, hendrerit sit amet tellus. Quisque pulvinar malesuada luctus. Mauris eu nulla lectus; non laoreet tortor. Sed posuere nisi sit amet mi molestie ornare. Fusce bibendum dui eu erat dapibus pellentesque. Quisque nulla sapien, volutpat vitae consectetur id, rutrum non risus. Vivamus commodo eleifend est! Sed ut felis quis neque fermentum interdum. Aliquam hendrerit dictum dolor, eget dapibus nibh laoreet sit amet. Praesent imperdiet mattis sodales. Proin fringilla, nisi et pharetra accumsan; lacus lorem mattis nibh, nec lobortis mauris ligula fermentum lorem. Aenean at nunc leo, eget accumsan arcu. Aenean et ligula ac odio feugiat suscipit. Donec tempor fermentum nulla. Donec non felis tellus. Fusce sem nisi, pretium a tempus eget; rhoncus et magna. Nullam dignissim tellus nec lorem porttitor at euismod diam gravida. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Integer nulla dolor, luctus at malesuada non, vehicula sed augue. Pellentesque ante augue, convallis id adipiscing ac, pharetra in quam. Donec ac neque non massa tincidunt luctus. Nam id leo arcu, quis suscipit lorem.


What is it


The platform you need to transform your traditional channel into cloud-commerce!

Cloudplace is the world´s first smart commerce platform for cloud applications, designed to reach more customers through eChannels! 

From lean startups to established category leaders, ISVs and cloud service providers (CSPs) need new methods, tools and marketplaces to commercialize their on demand subscription offering successfully and in a sustainable way. That’s why we developed Cloudplace, the platform-as-a-service for the age of app-stores and social collaboration.

Ecosystem Commerce Automation
With Cloudplace, ISVs can create and activate an innovative go-to-market model, offering their partner ecosystem easy to embedd „ecommerce point of presence“ – including backend management.

Cloudplace is an award-winning ecosystem commerce automation (ECA) platform, designed from the ground up to market, manage and monetize an indirect-ecommerce offering for cloud ISVs and digital product providers.

What is it solving


How to scale into small medium business!

While leading cloud ISVs, e.g., built successful businesses based on a direct-to-customer sales model over decades, this approach can generate sales and marketing expense in the range of 50% of gross revenues. Too many new breed cloud startups (and the VCs that fund them) have this level of sales and marketing expense as a percentage of revenue and it has become an impediment to both funding and efficient, effective sales and marketing execution.

ISVs in the era of cloud face persistent challenges how to start, grow and manage a new generation of eChannels for the age of virtual goods – and subscription biz .

ECA solving Problems

As cloud application ISVs and service providers go forward, a new indirect-ecommerce, partner-advantaged sales model – Ecosystem Commerce Automation – is rising on the horizon enabling them to:

  1. Reach more customers with their cloud-offering.
  2. Re-invent their go-to-market execution for indirect-sales. 
  3. Transform traditional software business into on demand commerce


Ecosystem Commerce & Collaborative Selling Made Easy

ISVs that leverage the power of the Cloudplace platform can offer brandable, fully-customizable micro-stores with your preconfigured cloud offering. We call them �Ecommerce Points of Presence’ or EPOPs – for ecosystem partners as sales and marketing accelerators. But enrolling your ecosystem partners in your new Cloudplace-powered sales network is just the beginning.

Once an EPOP or partner micro-store is activated, Cloudplace enables ISVs to build a collaborative sales pipeline by working �socially’ with your partners via our built-in multi-tiered sales tool kit. A generation beyond static commerce models, Cloudplace makes it easy to manage prospects, quote prices, enable trial application use and close deals. With Cloudplace you can build your customized and branded ecosystem of thousands of local affiliate partners, consulatnts, VARs, SIs, cloud brokers and MSPs.

Cloudplace is nothing less than Ecosystem Commerce Re-invented… for the age of the cloud.

Who is it for


Easy Configuration, Unique Market Networks

The Cloudplace platform powers Ecosystem Commerce Automation for some of the world’s leading on-demand application companies. It’s been designed for ease-of-use and customization around your specific marketing and sales processes.

In other words, Cloudplace enables your team to build, monetize and defend your own unique market network and commerce ecosystem for your cloud offering.  Just adopt Cloudplace to support an innovative go-to-market model and we’ll handle the rest.

Representative Cloudplace use cases:


What´s unique


Cloudplace Platform Technology

Designed from the ground up for the Age of Ecosystem Commerce Cloudplace PaaS, architected from the ground up to power high volume ecosystem commerce and collaborative selling, is built upon open cloud technologies and web services standards. Cloudplace RAD-F, Rapid application deployment framework – patent pending – changes the game by  autoamtaing all core process of a multi-tiered, multi-dimensional commerce boosting your ecosystem with:

What does it cost


Affordable For Every Budget- From Lean Startups to Category Leaders

Cloudplace PaaS is flexibly priced for ISVs and CSPs of all sizes, from emerging cloud startups to proven Cloud market leaders. By concentrating your go to market investments on your new Cloudplace-powered ecosystem, you will gain a powerful weapon of marketing warfare against the competition. Our model is simple, so it’s easy to calculate your future ROI on your investment in ecosystem commerce automation via Cloudplace.  Here’s how it works.

On demand subscription1. Determine the number of micros-stores (or Ecommerce Points of Presence = EPOPs) you want to distribute within your partner network.
2. You´ll get provisioned your branded Cloudplace platform to enable that number of ecommerce point of presence- and beyond. With our elastic expansion model you will always be able to drive new Cloudplace EPOPs into your network.
3. Based on the amount of EPOPs – the monthly subscription price will enable your partner marketing team to build the kind of robust commerce ecosystem –  fulfilling your partners and it´s customers needs.


And if you need to convince your CEO of the power of Cloudplace, start a trial that get your cloud apps on-boarded and your partner network ready to rollout. As soon as you and your team decide to pull the trigger.


Trial Phase: The Cloudplace services team will provide hands-on management of your ecosystem commerce pilot for a targeted number of your partners to-be-determined. During the trial, Cloudplace will closely monitor customer feedback around your ecosystem commerce initiative in order to support the development of a Go Live or rollout plan for your new ecosystem commerce initiative.  Based on this feedback we will prepare and deliver a detailed Pilot Program summary for your review, and as input tot he next step of a final Cloudplace launch plan.




Reach, Relevance, Relationships, Revenue!

Cloudplace represents the creative fusion of ecosystem-optimized eCommerce, collaborative partner selling, and go-to-market process automation. And is designed from the ground up for the age of digital distribution, including cloud and mobile apps.

Cloudplace is an ecosystem marketer’s best friend, delivering the 4 major must-haves for today’s “on demand” markets. Reach, relevance, relationships and revenue.