
Transform your ecosystem into cloud commerce Watch Video or sign in


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Supercharge your Ecosystem



Assessment Phase

Cloudplace ecosystem analysts will provide a business requirements assessment focused on the launch of your new ecosystem commerce capability. We will identify all outstanding issues, e.g. use case scenarios (e.g. channel, follower, affiliate, etc.), ROI on your new ecosystem commerce solution, integration touchpoints with your existing systems, partner EPOP customization requirements, etc. At the end of the assessment phase, our team will present an Ecosystem Commerce Strategy document for your review and approval.


Customization and Integration Phase

The Cloudplace services team will produce a technical design document supporting the customization of your new ecosystem commerce platform to the specific requirements of your existing business. For example, we will customize the Cloudplace Management panel to interoperate with your existing CRM infrastructure, and/or customize the capabilities of the ecosystem commerce offering itself to meet the unique requirements of your partner network.

For more information on Consulting Services, please contact [email protected]



Instructor-Led Workshops


Cloudplace offers instructor-led classes using typical use case scenarios through presentations, demonstrations, facilitated hands-on exercises and validation of user learning. We can develop a customized training plan to support specific business objectives.

  • Classroom Training
    Available at Cloudplace headquarters in Palo Alto, CA.
  • Live Virtual Training
    Take classes from the comfort of your home or office without having to travel. You’ll learn from a live instructor with the same presentation, demonstration and discussion format.
  • Custom Training
    Get team training at one of our sites, your site, or online.




Cloudplace offers regular live webinars on new product features, advanced techniques, and best practices delivered by a variety of product, strategy and subject matter experts.

For more information on Training Services, please contact [email protected]



Additional Cloudplace Support Packages

Depending which Cloudplace support package you choose on top, your subscription will includes support our friendly and knowledgeable support engineers

Service level specifications

24 x 7 Availability Monitoring. 
The Cloudplace team continually monitors system availability and performance 24×7. Should an unanticipated problem arise (rarely if ever), we are aware of it and begin resolving it immediately, minimizing or preventing any issues for you or your customers. After-hours phone access is available should a situation arise restricting critical system access.


Online Helpdesk.

Online helpdesk.
 Cloudplace offers the convenience for Authorized Support Contacts to submit, view and add comments to Support Cases via the web. Using the online helpdesk module enables the advantages of real-time management and open case views.

Live Local Business-hour Support. 
Cloudplace provides direct access to live Customer Support for Standard Support customers during local business hours.

Live 24 x 5 Global Support. 
Premier and Premier Plus customers have the added benefit of working on multiple time zones with our follow-the-sun support access.

Named Support Engineer(s)
. Premier and Premier Plus customers have the valuable service of a named primary Senior Support Engineer for a single communication point. The Named Support Engineer will own the majority of submitted cases and work in conjunction with other team members based on expertise and availability to ensure timely issue resolution. This allows for relationship-building, strategic visibility, and the efficiency of knowing the nuances of specific Cloudplace environments.

Priority Case Routing
. Cloudplace Premier and Premier Plus customers who submit cases online or via email get assigned to an engineer ahead of cases of equal priority. For those submitting cases by phone, a priority phone number is provided.

Accelerated SLAs
. Premier and Premier Plus customers enjoy accelerated SLAs and priority scheduling for fix delivery.

Quarterly Business Review.
 Premier Plus customers receive a Quarterly Business Review conducted by your Cloudplace account team to review your business goals, assess your Cloudplace usage and results, and provide specific recommendations for optimizing and expanding your use of Cloudplace. This personalized approach helps you to continually increase the value of Cloudplace for your company.

Campaign Services. 
Premier Plus service offers the option for customers to schedule sessions with your Premier Support Engineer or other Cloudplace experts to assist you with the design, review and execution of your Cloudplace campaigns, and to provide training and demonstration of advanced Cloudplace features.

Authorized Support Contacts
. These named Cloudplace experts in your company are authorized to submit cases, and work directly with Support to enable your success.

How To Questions per Month (P3 cases)
. Cases concerning product issues are unlimited for all customers. In addition, Cloudplace offers different levels of product usability support based on your support package.


 For more information on Support packages, please contact [email protected]